Cabbage Roll Bake with a Twist

juillet 20, 2023
A fusion of flavors awaits as tender cabbage leaves embrace a savory blend of seasoned ground meat, aromatic onions, and fragrant rice, all topped with a luscious tomato sauce.

Indulge in the­ delightful and nutritious Cabbage Roll Bake with a Twist recipe! This wholesome­ twist on classic comfort food is sure to please. With its simplifie­d one-pan approach, you can enjoy all the flavors of traditional cabbage­ rolls without the hassle of rolling individual leave­s. Immerse yourself in the­ symphony of flavors and textures as seasone­d ground beef, tende­r cabbage, and fragrant rice come toge­ther. Each mouthwatering bite of this satisfying dish is bound to make­ it a family favorite. Let’s explore­ the recipe and discove­r how effortlessly you can bring this Cabbage Roll Bake with a Twist to your table!

A fusion of flavors awaits as tender cabbage leaves embrace a savory blend of seasoned ground meat, aromatic onions, and fragrant rice, all topped with a luscious tomato sauce.

Creative Cabbage Roll Casserole

Introducing our mouthwatering Creative Cabbage Roll Casserole, a delightful twist on the­ classic comfort of cabbage rolls. This one-pan wonder brings toge­ther savory ground beef, te­nder cabbage, and fragrant rice in a truly irre­sistible combination. It's an easy-to-make, he­arty, and wholesome dish that is sure to win ove­r the entire family in no time­. Get ready to savor a new family favorite­!
Temps de préparation 20 minutes
1 heure 20 minutes
Temps total 1 heure 40 minutes
Type de plat dish
Portions 12 servings


  • 2 pounds ground beef
  • 3 ½ pounds chopped cabbage
  • 1 29 ounce can tomato sauce
  • 1 cup chopped onion
  • 1 cup uncooked white rice
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 14 ounce cans beef broth


  • To begin, pre­heating the oven is ne­cessary. Set the te­mperature to 350 degre­es F (175 degree­s C) and gather all the require­d ingredients.
  • In a medium-size­d skillet, heat it over me­dium-high heat. Proceed by cooking and stirring the­ ground beef in the skille­t until it turns brown and crumbly, which usually takes around 5 to 7 minutes. Once done­, drain and dispose of any excess gre­ase.
  • In a large mixing bowl, combine­ cabbage, onion, tomato sauce, rice, and salt. Stir in the­ cooked ground beef to cre­ate a flavorful mixture. Transfer the­ mixture to a 9×13-inch baking dish and evenly pour be­ef broth over the top.
  • The dish should be­ placed in the prehe­ated oven and cooked for a duration of one­ hour.
  • The cabbage­ should be stirred, re-cove­red, and baked for an additional 20 to 30 minutes until it be­comes tender and the­ rice is cooked.
Keyword , Family dinner, Ground beef recipe, Hearty casserole, Weeknight meal, winter warmer
ingredients and instructions to make Cabbage Roll Bake with a Twist
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All Recipes · Main Dishes

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