Nduja prawn

Nduja Prawn Recipe

I love nduja, it is a spicy pork sausage from Italy and it delicious with prawns.

There is no preparation for this one, I keep the shells on the prawns which add more flavours.

It makes it a great lunch it is also really nice with bread or pasta.


16 jumbo king prawns with shells
1 tsp paprika
1 tbsp nduja pesto 
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
fresh parsley, finely chopped
1 lime for garnishing (optional)


Mix the garlic, paprika, nduja and olive oil in a bowl. Coat the prawns with the mix. Sauté the prawn and cook for a few minutes until they are nice and pink, sprinkle some parsley and serve. I drizzled some lime juice on mine.

All credit to the right owner Caroleosbornefood

Caroleosbornefood via instagram (caroleosbornefood). If you like this recipe go check her on instagram for more amazing recipes, she needs our support to keep making new recipes. Make sure you share the recipe with your friends as well.

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