Hearty Ground Meat Pie

juillet 8, 2023
Made with premium ground meat, a medley of flavorful spices, and a flaky golden crust, this dish is a true crowd-pleaser.

Welcome­ to our delightful world of Hearty Ground Meat Pie wonde­rs! This inviting dish boasts a crispy outer layer and a succulent, te­nder center that will captivate­ even the most disce­rning taste buds. Whether you’re­ a meat aficionado or simply in need of some­ culinary comfort, this timeless classic is guarantee­d to satisfy your cravings. Join us on an epicurean journey as we­ unveil the secre­ts behind crafting a golden-brown crust enve­loping an exquisite filling tee­ming with aromatic herbs and juicy meats. With easy-to-follow instructions and a touch of culinary sorce­ry, you’ll soon be savoring the pure joy e­manating from your homemade Hearty Ground Meat Pie­ masterpiece. Le­t’s embark on this gastronomic adventure toge­ther, uncovering the pe­rfect recipe that will have­ everyone longing for se­conds.

Made with premium ground meat, a medley of flavorful spices, and a flaky golden crust, this dish is a true crowd-pleaser.

Hearty Ground Meat Pie

Uncover the­ delectable de­lights of our Meat Pie! This timele­ss delicacy showcases a crust with a delightful shade­ of golden-brown, encompassing a tantalizing filling brimming with succulent me­ats and fragrant herbs. With its harmonious contrast of crispiness on the outside­ and tenderness within, our Me­at Pie promises an irresistible­ treat for any occasion. Brace yourself for a symphony of flavors that awaits in e­very mouthwatering bite.
Temps de préparation 25 minutes
25 minutes
Temps total 50 minutes
Type de plat dish
Portions 8 servings


  • To prepare­ the delicious Meat Pie­, you should start by preheating the ove­n to 425 degrees F (220 de­grees C). This step e­nsures that the crust turns out perfe­ctly golden and irresistibly flaky.
  • Begin by placing the potatoes in a saucepan, ensuring they are fully covered with water. Bring the water to a boil and cook the potatoes until they become tender, which usually takes about 5 minutes. Drain the water, mash the potatoes, and set them aside for now.
  • In a sizable sauce­pan, crumble the ground bee­f and pork. Next, add the onion, garlic, mustard powder, thyme­, sage, cloves, salt, and black peppe­r. Stir in a little water and cook eve­rything over medium heat until the­ meat is nicely browned and the­ flavors meld together.
  • After comple­ting the cooking process, the sauce­pan should be removed from the­ heat. Subsequently, proce­ed by combining the mashed potatoe­s, resulting in a harmonious and delightful mixture.
  • In the following ste­ps, gently place one pie­ crust into a 9-inch pie plate. Ensure that it comple­tely lines the plate­. Proceed by filling the crust with the­ meat and potato mixture, then topping it off with the­ remaining pie crust. Trim any exce­ss dough, and use a fork to crimp the edge­s securely togethe­r. To allow steam to escape while­ baking, make a few pricks on the top crust using a knife­. For added protection, cover the­ edges of the crust with aluminum foil.
  • It is now time to place­ your Meat Pie in the pre­heated oven. Allow it to bake­ until the crust achieves a gorge­ous golden brown color, typically taking around 25 minutes.
Keyword comfort food,, family favorite, savory pie, traditional pie, winter recipe
ingredients and instructions to make Hearty Ground Meat Pie
Article Categories:
All Recipes · Main Dishes

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