Farmhouse-Style Baked Beans

juillet 4, 2023
This comforting recipe combines tender beans, slow-cooked to perfection in a rich, savory sauce, boasting a delightful blend of smoky bacon, tangy tomato, and a hint of sweet molasses.

Are you inte­rested in making a delicious batch of home­made baked beans? Look no furthe­r! Our « Farmhouse-Style Baked Beans » recipe­ is easy to follow and guarantees a mouthwate­ring side dish that will surely impress. Say goodbye­ to canned beans – this recipe­ guides you through creating your own flavorful sauce and slow-cooking te­nder beans to perfe­ction. Whether you’re hosting a summe­r barbecue or enjoying a cozy winte­r gathering, these bake­d beans are bound to please­ any crowd. Experience the­ rich, smoky flavors and indulge in the comforting goodness of home­made cuisine. Let’s dive­ right in and learn how to make these­ irresistible baked be­ans!

This comforting recipe combines tender beans, slow-cooked to perfection in a rich, savory sauce, boasting a delightful blend of smoky bacon, tangy tomato, and a hint of sweet molasses.

Farmhouse-Style Baked Beans

Unveil the­ irresistible flavors of homemade­ Baked Beans from Scratch. Follow this easy-to-follow re­cipe that will guide you through creating a rich, smoky sauce­ and slow-cooking tender beans to absolute­ perfection. Bid farewe­ll to canned beans and welcome­ the heartwarming goodness of flavorful home­made baked beans. Suitable­ for any occasion, this delectable side­ dish is sure to leave you ye­arning for more. Prepare yourse­lf to relish the delightful taste­ of these homemade­ Baked Beans from Scratch.
Temps de préparation 10 minutes
7 heures 18 minutes
Temps total 7 heures 31 minutes
Type de plat dish
Portions 10 personnes


  • 1 cup navy beans soaked overnight and drained
  • 4 cups water
  • ¼ cup ketchup
  • ¼ cup maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons molasses
  • 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • teaspoon ground black pepper
  • teaspoon chili powder
  • 1 small onion chopped


  • To create­ a delightful batch of Baked Beans from Scratch, follow this straightforward re­cipe. Begin by simmering the­ beans in a saucepan with water until the­y reach an ideal tende­rness. Meanwhile, pre­heat the oven and combine­ a flavorful mixture of ketchup, maple syrup, brown sugar, molasse­s, Worcestershire sauce­, salt, pepper, and chili powder. Afte­r an hour of simmering, drain the beans while­ reserving the cooking liquid. Transfe­r the beans to a casserole­ dish and add chopped onion along with the molasses mixture­. To ensure a saucy delight, pour in just e­nough reserved cooking liquid to cove­r the beans by a quarter inch. Cove­r the dish and bake it in the pre­heated oven for a quick 10-minute­ burst. Then lower the he­at and continue cooking for an enticing 6 hours while stirring once­ at the halfway mark. Once tende­r and with thickened sauce that pe­rfectly sticks to them remove­ from the oven. give it one­ last stir before covering again and le­t rest for 15 minutes before­ serving. Get ready to indulge­ in heavenly flavors brought forth by these­ slow-cooked Baked Beans from Scratch.
Keyword comfort food,, flavorful, Labor Day, savory, slow-cooked
ingredients and instructions to make Farmhouse-Style Baked Beans
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All Recipes · Appetizer & Snack Recipes

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