Red Lentil Pasta with Cheesy Sweet Chili Tomato Sauce, Zucchini, Vegan Italian Sausage and Basil
For 4 servings you need:
Ingredients :
- 1 package of red lentil pasta
- 2 small zucchini
- 1.5 cups chopped tomatoes (fresh or canned)
- 1/4 cup sweet chili sauce (I used a home made one)
- 1/2 cup vegan mozzarella style cheeze
- 2 Italian vegan ‘sausages’
- Fresh Basil
1- Cook pasta until al dente, drain and set aside.
In the meantime wash/peel and cut zucchini in slices and chop tomatoes (if using fresh ones). Diagonally slice the sausages and fry them in a non stick skillet on both sides for 3-4 minutes or until browned, set aside and sauté zucchini for a few minutes in the same pan. (No oil necessary)
2- Add cooked pasta, tomatoes and sweet chili sauce to the pan and combine.
3- Add the vegan cheese and keep cooking on low heat for a few more minutes until cheeze has melted. Lastly add sausage slices and some fresh basil and enjoy 💚
All credit to the right owner Alex
Alex 🌱 Fun and Tasty Recipes via instagram (plantbased.traveler). If you like this recipe go check her on instagram for more amazing recipes, she needs our support to keep making new recipes. Make sure you share the recipe with your friends as well.